Love Dogs
Love Dogs is a gripping thriller that follows the life of John, a grieving local man, as he finds solace and intrigue in a mysterious young woman who purchases his old farmhouse. Simultaneously, a sense of unease grips the town when a resident goes missing, leading the local police captain to suspect a sinister presence looming over their community.
Picking Back Up
Picking back debuted at the Louisiana International Film Festival in 2017 and showed at the Orlando Film Festival, Studio City International Film Festival, California Women’s Film Festival, and Women’s International Film Festival. Susan Gallagher was nominated for best actress a the California Women’s Film Festival.
Astrion Brand Launch
2019 Reel
Twitch Ad
Government recruitment advertisement for Twitch steaming.
North end Bag Co.
Advertisement for social media in collaboration with CNU.
Tech Girls: Exchange Program
11 Peppers Zodiac
Animation work for 11 Peppers Studios in Maryland. Won Telly Award for social advertisement.
Black History Month
Department of State Social Ad for Black History Month.
True Golf Fit
True golf from MyGolfSpy fits you for your unique swing.
Exchange Programs: Women's Multipliers
Produced at the U.S. Department of State, we followed 12 women entrepreneurs on an exchange to the U.S. to make business contacts and strengthen their professional network.
Drunk Drivers
Produced for - Does drinking alcohol really affect your game?
SMART Scholarship
Created for the SMART Scholarship program. Application tutorial and animation.
INternational Education week
Unused ad for The U.S. Department of State.
Produced for LMI (Logistics Management Institute).
CNU Application
Produced for Christopher Newport University, animation explaining the application process.